Inspection Report - New Apiary - 5/8/2021
New Apiary Setup and Inspection - 5/8/2021
Over the past two weeks we have been setting up the new apiary at the Columbia Center on the lower roof. The original plan is for four new colonies, including the colonies that already exist on the roof. Late winter, hives were purchased and staged in preparation of the arrival of bees on April 20th. The following is a brief overview of the progress!
The location for the bulk of the hives is against the East facing wall near the air conditioning units. This area was selected for its space and potential to add plants and other accommodations.
On April 20th, Woodland Bee Company brought in two new colonies to install in the new hives. The new hives were set up and bees installed into them. Food and sugar water was added as well as medicine to give them a good start.
Setting up the new hives while the bees in the small boxes waited for their new home!
The above image you will see as we staged the new location. You will see two small boxes, one is natural wood color and the other green. These boxes contained bees that were being installed into two of the new hives!
Working to set up the new hives
Hives set up and ready for new bees
After getting the hives places where we wanted them, the bees were moved into the new hives and set so that they would hold until they get acclimated. Once these two hives were set up, it was time to leave them alone for 10 days while they adjusted.
First Inspection - 5/8/2021
On May 8th, I visited again to bring more sugar water, medicine and to prep the third hive for bees. The third hive will get bees from the established colony that has been on the roof for the last four years. Because they are growing, they will be “split” in to two colonies.
This does two things, it reduces the size of the established colony, and creates a new colony, for free! That’s the best kind of bees.
Adding a third colony and inspecting the two new colonies.
Growing colony! A feeder, bees and empty frames
The image above shows the new bees after 10 days of establishing and growing. You will notice that they appear to be growing. With the bees covering the tops like the picture shows, demonstrates that there are al lot of bees! This is exactly what we want.
All set up!!
This last image shows the proximity of the hives to each other. You will notice that there are only three. This is because the fourth is round the corner in the West facing location. We cannot move that colony as they are established in the location and will get lost if the hive is moved. This also gives us a way to determine which location is the most ideal.
A short video of the bees as they sit now, and the general location of where they are located!
The next visit will do the following
Split the West colony and install in third white hive
Add more medicine and sugar water to new colony
Treat all colonies for mites
With the colonies growing as fast as they are, we will need to purchase more boxes to place on top. This will give the bees room to grow, and reduce the chances that they swarm away. I will be in contact about how to make this work.